Hébergements en couvents, monastères & maisons religieuses dans toute l'Italie

Location of accomodations

Browse through or click on the map to discover regions and our proposed accommodations.
There are over 6 000 thousand accomodations with religious origin throughout Italy. We carefully selected several hundred in the mailand as well as in Sardinia and Sicily. It would be too long to list all the locations where we offer accommodation. We supply accommodation in all major, artistic and tourist cities.
Ligurie Sardaigne Sicile Calabre Basilicate Campanie Pouilles Molises Latium Abruzzes Marches Ombrie Toscane Emilie Romagne Vénétie Frioul Julienne Trentin Haut Adige Lombardie Piémont Val d'Aoste

Telephone number
+33(0)1 45 61 97 52

Italia Sixtina / Partir en Voyages by Silver Voyages/ 30 rue de Washington 75008 PARIS France
Tel +33(0) - Fax +33(0)
IM075100175 - RC GENERALI - IATA 20201355

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